
A combat Team in PVE/ PVP Modes consists of 4 FRONTERA Heroes. A players can engage combats with less than 4 Heroes, but it would be ill-advised.

A Team formation is divided into 3 different rows:

  • Front: Heroes that are placed into the Front row will get a boost of 10% to their DEF stat. Front-lined Heroes are also, by default, the main targets of the opposite Team - so be sure to place the most durable units here.

  • Mid: Heroes that are placed into the Mid row will get a boost of 10% to their ATK stat. So make sure that your key damage dealers stay here to make the most of this boon.

  • Back: Heroes that are placed into the Back row will get a boost of 10% to the SPEED stat - which makes Heroes with utilities are the best fit here.

Each row can be placed up to 2 Heroes, so be sure to tinker around with the formation to fit your strategies the most.

During combats, units at the Front row will be targeted first and will suffer the most damage from the opposite Team. When the Front row is eliminated, the targets will switch to those at the Mid row - and so on.

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